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Best Practices in Financial Consolidation – Live webinar September 26, 2017

Forward-thinking organizations are using cloud-based financial consolidation as the catalyst for strategic financial analysis and data-driven decision support. Spreadsheets leave a lot to be desired when it comes to financial consolidation. They are prone to error, labor intensive, have limited reporting capabilities, and are difficult to track. Cloud-based solutions, by […]

Digital Boardroom @ Doelen in Rotterdam

Het is al weer een tijdje geleden dat ik op een klant event de SAP Digital Boardroom mocht presenteren. Een geweldige ervaring! Ruim vierhonderd IT en Finance professionals luisterden hoe ik verteld over de interne SAP POC, die zo succesvol was, dat het tot een product geleid heeft. Hier een […]

Simple Finance at the VNSG Congress 2015

On Wednesday october 14th, 15:25, Bart Peijnenburg and I will be hosting a session on Simple Finance. We will use the “Simple Finance Experience” workshop material to explain Simple Finance. See this short video for an impression on the workshop: Hope to see you on October 14th, 15:25, Podium Limousin 2: